2015 — Week Twenty

11–17 May

Edward H. Carpenter
The Week That Was


Spent a frenetic morning doing all the things I could have done earlier, but thank the Goddess for the last minute, or things would never get done. Washed some laundry, packed for my week-long conference in Fort Walton Beach, jotted off a couple of notes at work, tidied the office and the car, and drove down to Savannah International Airport, arriving in the nick of time to catch the first leg of my flight. In Atlanta, I volunteered to give up my seat for $1200, but the flight ended up having room — a pity, since I could have made good use of the flight credit.

Got down to Fort Walton Beach, and spent the rest of the week in a Joint Strike Fighter conference, which went as well as such things ever do. Big government is without a doubt the most ineffective of organizations — a lot of talk and not much action. I did manage to get in a few hours of sun on the beach and a few dips in the ocean, though, so it wasn’t a complete waste.

Was rushing back Thursday night, with the vaguely ridiculous notion that I’d drive up to Charlotte, NC on Friday for a tour of a NASCAR training facility, visit the pits during a race, then make it back down to Savannah by midnight to pick up my friend Zoé. Instead, the Charlotte trip got cancelled due to the host’s father having a heart attack; thus I took a later flight back to Savannah (and scored an $800 travel voucher for my trouble). Spent Friday on odd jobs, then scooped up Zoé and enjoyed a weekend of picnics, reading on the beach, ocean swimming, horseback rides, and petting zoo visits, fueled by lots of wine, cheese, French bread, Nicaraguan cigars, and hookah smoke.

Never did get back on HabitRPG. Did get into the Crystal League and start fighting clan wars on Clash of Clans. Physical fitness, studies in the Air War College, writing — all were pretty much a wash. Went for a couple of one-mile runs, and that was about it. Also pretty much off polyphasic sleep, but not on a real healthy sleep cycle of any sort — a lot of laying around and hitting snooze. Bad hamster!

Well, next week will be another week, and another chance to get things back on track. Countdown to Vegas has begun — preparations, not so much.

Worth noting that I have not had a cold since the new year — that’s over 5 months, so my regular supplements of garlic, echinacea, and zinc appear to be paying excellent dividends in keeping my immune system running smoothly! Will document the regimen in another post at a later date.



Edward H. Carpenter
The Week That Was

Author, businessman, athlete, Marine officer, and world traveler. Likes rugby, reading, scuba-diving, and volunteer teaching. Hates liver and sea urchins.